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In the ultimate “how-to” bundle of four eBooks, you’ll learn how to:

1. Expose (and eliminate) hidden risks in your contract data

2. Turn your legal team into your sales team's secret weapon

3. Make (and keep) your contracts GDPR compliant

And last, but certainly not least:

4. How to evaluate contract management solutions (to supercharge all of the above)


LinkSquares is an AI-powered contracting platform that gives legal teams all the tools they need to move business forward faster.

Our customers have everything they need to write better contracts, analyze what’s in their existing contracts with powerful AI insights, and collaborate better with their team throughout the contract lifecycle. All of this is centralized in one, easy to use platform that will quickly help your team reduce manual, time-consuming processes.

With Finalize, your team can draft, review and approve documents faster, even those on 3rd-party paper. Analyze is a contract analytics tool that helps companies understand what's in their existing contracts through powerful AI insights and full-text search, making it easy to see what was previously hidden or difficult to find.

Take It From LinkSquares Customers
LinkSquares has been a fantastic tool because I can search for terms that are critical to me. That’s been a tremendous time savings, which affords greater time that you can devote to other aspects of the department."
- Kristen Shaheen, General Counsel, BenchPrep
I was blown away by the strength of LinkSquares’ AI and the capabilities LinkSquares offers. LinkSquares’ team was incredibly responsive to my needs throughout the buying process and was easy to work with."
- Paul Lucchese, Vice President and General Counsel, EDB
The Bottomline CEO highlighted the legal team's use of LinkSquares as a way to capitalize on AI systems and tools to be able to deliver accurate results faster to our sales and development teams. It's a really proud moment for the legal team."
-Danielle Sheer, General Counsel, Bottomline

The California Lawyers Knowledge Hub is a library of free downloadable content and resources that includes white papers, ebooks, reports, product guides, case studies, industry analysis and much more, provided by experts and vendors within the legal industry. The downloadable content is not endorsed, vetted, or reviewed by the California Lawyers Association (CLA), and rather CLA is providing access to the Knowledge Hub library as a resource for its members to use at their discretion. Please note, by downloading the content, you acknowledge and consent to share your information with the content provider, which may use your information for their own marketing, communication and other related purposes. For more information on posting content in the Knowledge Hub, please click here.