Complimentary case study
Secure Access and Ease of Collaboration are a Winning Combo for Arizona Law Firm
Gammage & Burnham’s IT Director says Universal API makes iManage Work an even better value
Owned and operated for more than 40 years by a team of 90 dedicated professionals in Phoenix, Gammage & Burnham’s reach extends to all corners of Arizona, throughout the United States, with connections and experience as deep as their roots. 

The firm’s top priority is helping its clients identify and achieve their goals, which demands a unique mix of intelligence, creativity, and hard work in each engagement. In line with their commitment to giving clients the best value possible, Gammage & Burnham have been iManage customers for more than 24 years.

Read this exclusive case study to see how iManage helped this Arizona firm increase document protection, while making their work more accessible than ever.

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