Complimentary eBook
Document Automation and Building Legal Documents in MS Word
Streamline your workflow by utilizing MS Word’s free features.
Legal documents are the crux of law firms. But the preparation of forms, appeals, contracts, and hundreds of other docs can take up countless hours for legal professionals. The manual process of document creation is slow, tedious, and error-prone, making this one of the most time-consuming processes in legal.

Firms that use Microsoft Word to build routine legal docs can truly benefit by employing its full range of free features and simplifying the drafting workflow. Most of what makes the platform such a powerful text editing tool is often left unexplored. Taking some time to learn the shortcuts and handy tools can save you hours' worth of time in legal drafting.

Download this eBook to learn quick tips on using MS Word's free features to build legal documents and how automation can help streamline your drafting workflow. Here's what you'll walk away with:
  • Tips on using MS Word free features
  • Automated templates and their benefits
  • How to evaluate document automation solutions
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