Complimentary On-Demand Webinar
Extracting Value throughout the Case Lifecycle
An Exclusive On-Demand Webinar Featuring: Supio, YoCierge, and Structured Consulting
In business, value is often a measure of a company's health and well-being that considers both monetary and non-monetary factors. "Value” is also an informal term that goes beyond a company's economic worth to include other forms of value, such as employee, customer, and societal value.

Legal Case Value should be viewed similarly. In a legal case, the monetary outcome at the end of the case is what we most often refer to as value. But there is much more to consider. What about the non-monetary intangibles? What about the staff time input, the risk of malpractice, client experience, perception, and their public reviews, or the overall time-on-desk and input costs? Each of these factors can play a role (favorable or unfavorable) in the overall value of the case.

In this on-demand webinar, we will delve into this important topic of legal case value to help you run your law firm practice more meaningfully. We will define case value by exploring the impactful components in terms of a manageable system: a series of inputs and outputs that can be measured and managed with process and rigor. Our expert panelists will provide you with a diversity of backgrounds, points of view, and experience. You will leave with a more holistic view of value and ways to maximize each throughout the case lifecycle.

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